November 18, 2014

Feel Good

Sometimes when you have case of the blahs the best cure is to watch a feel good movie. Today I needed a good classic to turn to. Here are a few of my favorite movies to "pop in"  when I need a little pick me up.

It's Complicated
This movie is one of my newer additions to my favorites go to movies. It's very funny, good hearted, and has a storyline that takes you in. Meryl Streep is so amazing and beautiful in this film, I don't know how she does it every time. And it doesn't hurt that John Krasinski is so adorable in his role, he's not bad on the eyes either and definitely one of my Hollywood crushes.

One Fine Day
This film is a classic for me. I can not count the times I've watched this one for it is far too many. It has an amazing soundtrack that takes you back in time to a golden era of music. The chemistry between a young George Clooney and Meg Ryan is so on point. This has always been a favorite of mine.

Breakfast at Tiffany's
Audrey Hepburn in New York City. A girl that can not be tamed. A Truman Capote classic. This one doesn't even need to be further explained, if you haven't heard of this film you must be living under a rock.

Love Actually
A great Christmas film just in time for the holidays coming up. This one brings together an eclectic assortment of characters telling all their stories and brining it together for this fabulous film. It's a bit of everything all rolled into one.

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